Should my body tissues be acid or alkaline? I have read that I should have slightly acid to neutral body tissues. Is this correct?
It is essential for the body to maintain a correct acid-alkaline balance. Different parts of the body need different pH levels. pH means ‘potential of hydrogen’ and is simply a measure of acidity or alkalinity. At a cellular level, there are two factors working together to keep our energy up.
The interior of each cell is alkaline. The mitochondria – the power producers of the body – swim in an alkaline sea inside the cell’s membrane. Outside, the fluid between the cells is saline, alkaline and mineralised. This is the fluid that transports nutrition to the cells. The cell allows the food in after checking it with its many receptor antennae that swim in the alkaline fluid. Once inside, the mitochondria consume the food and convert it to energy – electrical energy. Through the tiny antennae that protrude into the interstitial fluid, and via the actual cell membrane, electrical energy is transmitted. If the pH of the fluid was imbalanced, energy flow would be greatly reduced.
So it’s very important for the interstitial fluid to be correctly alkaline because if it’s not, the energy can’t flow, and the whole body suffers imbalance. Poor energy flow at a cellular level can leave a person feeling tired-all-the-time.
It’s also important to realize that we are never just acid or alkaline. We change by the hour, even the minute. The human body is amazing in its design and working, as it shunts alkaline minerals around to neutralise excess acids within minutes of their entering the body.
If we use minerals to balance acid food intake, they must come from somewhere. The body may use minerals from the bones, predisposing it to osteoporosis, or we can take in the right minerals through balanced eating and supplements (where required).
I am told that lemon will help to alkalise my body. How does this work?
It is true that if you measure the pH of a lemon it is highly acidic. But once you have consumed (burnt up/converted to energy/metabolised) a lemon, what is left is alkaline.
It is what is left of all of our foods that determines our acid-alkaline balance, not the pH of the food itself. This is known as the ‘ash’ of a food. After food has been completely burned up and converted to energy, the leftover minerals are what make up our mineral reserves and therefore our pH or acid-alkaline balance.
Squeezing some fresh lemon juice into your drinking water is an excellent way to encourage your body to be more alkaline. It tastes great too! Limes are also perfect and give some variety.
Similarly, organic cold-pressed apple cider vinegar is acidic, however it leaves an alkaline residue in the body due to its high mineral content.
See our acid-alkaline food chart which is included when you purchase an EASYpH test kit, for recommended foods.
Remember to rinse your mouth out with fresh water after drinking lemon juice (and any other acidic beverages) to reduce the risk of dental acid wear.
Without a pH test, how do I know I am acidic?
If you answer “yes” to many of the following, it’s a fair assumption that you are acidic and/or that your body may be struggling to maintain acid-alkaline balance.
I do the following things:
- Eat fast foods, fried foods, colas, soft drinks or desserts.
- Eat red meat or red meat dishes.
- Eat acidic condiments like vinegar.
- Regularly consume processed and refined foods that contain chemical additives.
- Regularly consume breads and baked goods made with white flour and sugar.
- Eat few fruits and vegetables.
- Drink more than one cup of coffee or tea a day.
- Frequently take medication.
- Drink alcohol.
- Smoke.
Sometimes I:
- Feel exhausted after vigorous exercise or work.
- Experience fatigue or lack of stamina.
- Run out of breath when exercising.
- Tire easily, both physically and mentally.
- Am pessimistic, with little initiative.
- Feel stiff and sore.
- Catch colds and flu easily.
- Have heartburn, allergies, sore throat and sinus problems.
Only a pH test can give you the pH of your body. The EASYpH test kit comes with a booklet giving valuable information on how to balance your pH. Testing is quick, easy and inexpensive. Give it a try now!
Are there supplements that can make my body more alkaline?
Starting with a nutritious, natural diet is essential. Apart from nourishing green powders, such as barley grass, wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina and chlorophyll as recommended in the EASYpH booklet; you can take bicarb of soda to quickly help you become more alkaline.
Dosage: up to 3 teaspoons per day, dissolved in water. Preferably do not take with a protein meal, as it can hinder protein digestion. Please note that long-term (more than three months) bicarb use is not documented and not recommended. It does contain sodium and may affect people with high blood pressure so please use with caution if you have hypertension. Interestingly, EASYpH has seen one medical study stating that bicarb use reduces blood pressure. Please ensure you monitor regularly and inform your medical practitioner.
It is preferable to purchase bicarb that does not have aluminium in it (some supermarket brands may do). Cardboard packaging is permeable and may allow airborne environmental pollutants into the product. Store in glass if possible.
In addition, there are many alkalising supplements available at health food stores and online. One excellent way to increase pH is by using alkaline water, which you can make yourself using EASY Alka drops, available from EASYpH.
Testing blood pH: does it matter if its venous or arterial blood?
According to a study published in Emerg Med J. 2006 August; 23(8): 622–624, there is a 95% correlation in the pH of arterial and venous blood. This difference is clinically insignificant. If you wish to test the pH of your blood, a standard venous test is recommended. There is no advantage to an arterial blood test for pH measurement. Please discuss with your healthcare professional if you have doubts or questions. Blood tests are expensive and may not be of assistance, as the body will maintain blood pH at all costs. Hence, you can be suffering mild acidosis, and still have normal blood pH.
Please note this information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat.
Consult a qualified medical practitioner when considering a health regimen modification.